interesting  activities and developments

from the perspective of EURinSPECT

Recent and upcoming

1. EPSO (European Partnership for Supervisory Organisations in Health Services and Social Care,  June 2-3 2008 Bergen, Norway

EPSO, an informal group of governmental or government related organisations in the field of law enforcement and supervisory activities related to Health Services in the EU and the EFTA,  organises in Bergen , Norway an interesting meeting.

  1. Among others Pofessor Roland Bal  MA Health Sciences and  Ph.D. Science technology and Modern Culture  of the Institute of Health Policy and Management , Erasmus University Rotterdam, will present results from a comparative study on supervision in health care in five different European  countries.
  2. An Information based approach to regulation and supervision is presented by the UK representatives at the meeting.
  3. Results from research on suicide notification will be presented by Paul Robben and Annemiek Huisman (NL) , Results from Norway will be presented by Unni Ronneberg (NO), and finally the UK representatives will speak about suicide notification in the UK.

More  in general  at this meeting inspectorates an supervising bodies as well as government related officials  in the field of health care, will exchange  practical information on working floor level.This involves exchange of  ideas on cooperation in health care supervision and working  on possibilities to improve the level of steering  on better outcomes in health care supervision and control

2. EPSO meeting again in Copenhagen, October 22nd and 23rd, 2008, as a follow up of the Meeting in Bergen

The draft programme is in preparation by the British Healthcare Commission and the Danish Health Board  and  will focus on 

'Accreditation ' in European perspective

    a.  International research on accreditation,

    b. the Danish model on accreditation for reguluation

    c. current situation in the UK ( accreditation of stroke services)

    d. irish research on accreditation

Besides there will be in working groups a follow up from Bergen ( Norway) probably on the following  topics:

    a. the  Clinical indicators ( follow up of discussion  based on on recent developments in UK based on recent reforms as  High Quality Care for All, see 085825, and recent developments in the Netherlands on mental care and addiction care

    b. Research and Supervision ( litterature review on supervision in general bij the Netherlands IGZ inspectorate and  a paper by the  Norwegian Board of Supervision.

    c. other update from EPSO working groups

3. EURinSPECT proposed on August 18, 2008, in co-operation with SIRA Consulting and after consultation of - amongst others - the EVO Transport organisation, a plan on waste transport to the EU commission (DG/TREN).

Proposal on reduction of burdens on WASTE TRANSPORT (call for proposal of the EU Commission) TREN/SUB/01-2008 EURinSPECT  MRBT 1-08

The plan is called: Measuring and Reducing Administrative Burdens and Burdens of Supervision and Inspection in the field of Cross Boarder Transport activities of Road Transport Companies delivering goods in  European Member States, with the objective to  identify best practices and other possibilities for co-operation between supervisors and inspectorates, and also identify possibilities for better and less burdensome regulation in Member states and on the EU-level (using the Standard Cost Model as used by the EC-DG Enterprise).

The measurement will focus on 3 different European Transport companies and will measure:

  1. The burdens of inspection and supervision, taking into account the different interpretations of laws and regulations of the European (EVOA) regulation by looking into the cost effects on one road truck travelling into several countries from the Netherlands and back;
  2. The burdens of inspection and supervison in an ideal situation where there are no differences in regulation and their interpretation;
  3. The costs of the differences between a and b;
  4. The extrapolation of the results to the European level,
  5. Identifying Best Practices and other possibilities for co-operation between supervisors and inspectorates, as well as possibilities for better and less burdensome regulation in Member states and on the  EU-level.
Definition of the project

General Context
This kind of activities are a new initiative (start 2008) of the Dutch Ministry of Finance in cooperation with the Stichting EURinSPECT (see and to reduce administrative and inspection burdens in Europe. The methodology is based on the Standard Cost Model (SCM), also used by  DG Enterprise to measure the European Administrative burdens and by EURinSPECT to identify possibilities for better regulation and co-operation between inspectorates in other fields such as Health, Accountancy and Mining. The initiative is partly supported and financed by the Netherlands Finance Ministry and partly by other Ministries and parties such as transport representative organisations. Until now the project was postponed because there was not enough money in the Transport-sector. The transport companies and the transport inspectorate do support the project, but cannot pay for the full 100% of measuring in the cross boarder field of Road transport in Europe.

General objectives:
Reduce administrative burdens in the transport sector in Europe for the benefit of:
    * Trans-national transport companies (more cost -effective transport);
    * European and national supervisors and inspectorates on Road Transport (less costs of  inspection/supervision);
    * National Member States (less burdensome trans-national transport);
    * The European transport sector as a whole (Keep Europe moving).

Specific objectives:  
Quantify costs and burdens of inspection and regulation of waste transport as a result of great differences in interpretation of the rules. Identify solutions for better co-operation of inspectorates in this field and identify possibilities for better regulation, with special focus on harmless green waste such as textile steel and paper. Identify improvement for enforcement of a so called European green list, better regulation on alternatives for harmless materials and improvement and harmonisation of definitions on ‘green’ and ‘mixed’ transport of several kind of waste and raw materials without environmental danger.

        Description of the project

Phase 1. Startup (co-ordination EURinSPECT)


Determining definitions, framework and working principles with key stakeholders of transport organisations, inspections, ministries (transport and environment).

Working out in detail the project activities and the planning in cooperation with the stakeholders from business and inspectorates.

Defining a format  for reporting the results with specific attention to the problems of transport sector and the  differences in regulations on waste transport and the way inspections are carried out.

Summarizing the results of Phase 1 in a detailed Project Plan


Project Plan containing:

Definitions, framework and working principles of the project.

A detailed planning and description of the organiastional and process related aspects of the project.

Phase 2.  Interviews with businesses (co-ordination SIRA)


Selecting three waste transportation businesses with the trade organisations.

Determining the Burdens of inspection related to the international waste transport by conducting interviews with experts from the transportation sector.

Conducting interview with two experts per business, experienced in trans-border waste transport on :

The quantification of the Administrative Burden of Inspection and Supervision (ABIS).

The determination of the Experienced Burden of Inspection and Supervision (EBIS)

The possibilities for reducing the ABIS and harmonizing rules and procedures  in Europe.

The obstacles for transport companies facing different inspections in European countries.

Reporting each interview (feedback),

Summarizing the results and conclusions about the Inspection Burdens and the way inspection on international waste transports conduct in various European countries, including aspects of:

The reduction of the burden of Inspection.

The harmonisation of inspections for international waste transport in Europe.

First interim report (based on interviews with businesses) on:

The quantified burdens of Supervision and Inspection for the international transport of waste.

The differences between how these inspections are carried out in the different European countries.

The possibilities to harmonise inspections and regulations  in Europe.

Phase 3.  Interviews with inspectorates and supervisors (co-ordination SIRA)


Identifying,  based on results of phase 2,  the relevant inspections on international waste transport in the Europe;

Determining the Burdens of inspection related to the international waste transport by conducting interviews with the inspectorates

Conducting interview with the inspectors, experienced with  inspection on waste transport

In these interviews the results of Phase 2 are verified, consolidated and completed.

Describing inspections,  based on interviews with inspectorates and information from the inspectorates.

Identifying possibilities to improve and harmonise inspections.

Reporting each interview (feedback). 

Summarizing the results of the Phase 3 in a Second Interim Report.


Second Interim Report (based on interviews with inspectorates) on:

Results of the interviews with the inspectorates and a first synthesis with the results of Phase 2

The quantified burdens of Supervision and Inspection for the international transport of waste.

The differences between how these inspections are carried out in the different European countries.

The possibilities to harmonise inspections and regulations  in Europe.

Phase 4. Final report (co-ordination by EURinSPECT)


Analyzing the results by making a synthesis of the results of Phase 2 (businesses) and Phase 3 (Inspectorates) .

Extrapolating these results to the European level, indicating the reduction potential for ABIS for Europe.

Discussing these results in a workshop with  stakeholders,  inspectorates,  trade organizations, covering:

The Results of the BSI-measurement (in ABIS and EBIS).

The differences between the way the different European countries conduct inspections on international waste transport.

The proposals to reach harmonization of  inspections.

The results of the workshop are incorporated in the Final Report, addressing three target groups: the inspectorates and supervisors, the European commission and the transport companies.



Final Report, Summarizing the quantitative results (ABIS) and qualitative results (EBIS);

Indicating the possibilities to  harmonise inspections on waste transport;

Identifying the reduction potential  for ABIS on a European Level;

Drawing conclusions and giving recommendations for the three targets groups: the inspectorates, the European Commission and the Transport businesses.